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Ancient Origins

Domestication of Animals: A Historic Journey

Ancient Origins

Alongside the domestication of plants, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia embarked on another groundbreaking endeavor: the domestication of animals. These creatures provided valuable resources such as meat, milk, and hides.

Animal Domestication Timeline

The following table presents the estimated earliest domestication dates for various animal species:

Animal Earliest Domestication Date (years ago)
Dog 27,000-40,000
Sheep 11,000-12,000
Goat 10,000-11,000
Pig 9,000-10,000
Cattle 8,000-10,000
Horse 5,500-6,000

The Canine Pioneer

The domestication of wolves marked a pivotal moment in human history. This groundbreaking event occurred between 33,000 and 11,000 years ago and resulted in the creation of the modern dog. Domestic dogs played a crucial role in hunting, transportation, and companionship.

Beyond the First Domestication

The domestication of dogs paved the way for the domestication of livestock animals. Sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, and horses gradually became integral to human societies, providing food, clothing, and other vital resources.


The domestication of animals revolutionized human civilization. It allowed communities to establish permanent settlements, develop new technologies, and embark on ambitious projects. The legacy of this ancient practice continues to shape our lives today, as domesticated animals remain indispensable companions and economic assets.
